Goal Setting for Teenagers

                                                                                 Guiding Questions.

How can you take more responsibility for your health and fitness?
Responsibility is kind of like that gooey, green slime children love to play with. It oozes around in a family and can slither off in all different directions. Parents easily slip, falter or fall when confronted with ooze that belongs to the kids. And it's pretty frustrating to slip on ooze that someone else should have scooped up! But the ebb and flow of slime, or responsibility, becomes essential when life and death issues are present in a child's life.

What are goals?

the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it "the ends justify the means"

What is goal setting?

is a process that can help provide guidance to improve yourself. It is a simple process, but one that has excellent potential to help you achieve new levels of accomplishment

What is the difference between long-term goals and short-term goals?

Short term goal: shorter period of timeand  Long term goal: longer period of time (presumably a more complex or more challenging goal in some way, or you could achieve it in less time)

What are the steps necessary for successful goals setting?

3.Analyze Where
4.  Set Realistic Goals
5.  Write Your Goals In Detail
6.  List the Benefits
7.  List the Obstacles
8.  Identify the Knowledge You Will Need
9.  Make A Plan of Action
10. Develop A Timeline
11. Monitor Your Progress
12. Never Give Up